Monday, August 18, 2008

Pinch Me...

It's kind of wierd, these past few days, when I hear the news, even here in the Happy Little Kingdom (where everyone has enough to eat and the King is a Queen and she isn't in drag...) I get this feeling...

Yes, even here, I have to pinch my self when I hear the news.

The UN Peacekeepers, in their response to a blatant attempt to ethnicly cleanse Ossetia, are declared to be ominous aggressors of the same sort that squashed the Czechs in '68 and the Hungarians in '55. The French president is a Hero of Peace. The Codpiece is spewing outrage that someone (other than Himself) is invading a sovereign country and Friend of Peace and Democracy...

Elsewhere, a president, faced with impeachment, abdicates -- the president of a great democracy and major player in the War Against Terror, a Power With Nuclear Weapons...

Umn, it was not the Codpiece (fat chance of that!) -- it was that Hero of Freedom and Democracy, Pervez Musharraf. (Any takers on bets that he will be back in the saddle before Mad Kane is (s)elected?)

Pinch my cheek and tickle my toes -- no it ain't a dream, not even a nightmare, just bullshit served up as usual for joe six-pack...

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