Thursday, October 20, 2011

Where Did All The Money Go?

[In the Third Galaxy, as terrible times approach, there are bright moments of hope - hope that, to misqoute William Blake, that the anger of our common humanity will burn in miracles throughout the land. For example people were heard singing songs like this:]

There used to be a money tree that grew in our backyard
The leaves were green you see because we all worked so hard
But now we're broke and working hard don't help you keep your job
College kid and six-pack joe feel like they've been robbed
- feel like they've been robbed.

Where did all the money go?
We're just asking!
Nine-nine percent of us
Would really like to know!

Did it go to protect environments where we work and live?
Did it go to make a better world in which to raise our kids?
Did it go to relieve humanity of hunger and disease?
You ought to see a doctor if that's what you believe
- if that's what you believe!

Where did all the money go....

It went to guns, atom bombs, hi-tech killing machines!
It went to fund foreign wars fulfilling Empire Dreams!
And all the while the S.O.B's were skimming off the cream!
They'll end up making nightmares of the American Dream
- the American Dream

Where did all the money go....

When working hard won't help you to find or keep a job
College kid and six-pack joe feel like they've been robbed
- feel like they've been robbed.
Note: sometimes this version of the chorus was used:

Where did all the money go?
We're just asking!
Where did all the money go?
We'd really like to know!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

The Finger of God

When I first heard, I thought it was absurd and, of course, it is, but still and yet, when I heard it I had to pinch myself.

And as I pinched myself, I heard people screaming in the unknown dungeons of kings even history has forgotten.

Dispite my hopes and misgivings, Bulimo Charisma, for all his media savy and general pizzazz, has assumed the role of Supreme Hole - in secret, without our knowing, quietly, in the chambers of secrecy, far below the clicking relays, he took to himself the terrible Weapon, the FINGER OF GOD.

From now on, until the end of the Terrible Times, with out warning, charge or, least of all, a trial, any person in the Third Galaxy, citizen of the United State of Arrogance, or not, can be killed in a flash of lightning from the skies - the FINGER OF GOD, merciless, probably stupid, strikes death wherever, whenever it whims the Supreme Hole.