When you see this at a university and, elsewhere,

Well, what do you know? First off, you should know that people who are tortured do not have political power.
People who cannot assemble in public are not free and do not have politcal power - whoever the "We, the people" are in the Constitution and Bill of Rights it sure isn't the vast majority who have real political power.
So who has the power? Do you know? Those who control the money, the media, the public debate and the government as well as the police, those who cordinate mayors across the country together with the FBI and Homeland Security [sic] to end demonstrations - it is they who have the power. Who are they? We'd really like to know!
It sure as shit isn't the 99%. Being allowed to touch a computer screen once every four years is not democracy and it does not give political power. Being able to assemble, to demonstrate without being attacked by police, being able to speak your mind freely in public and not behind chain-link fence in a "free speech zone" - that is democracy and is what gives political power.
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