If the month is June, it is still Torture Awareness month, and June 26th will still be Torture Awareness DAY (actually, United Nation’s Day for Remembrance of Victims and Survivors of Torture).
If you want to see a blog more explicitly devoted to information about torture instead of my satire, sarcasm, snide and snark, you should visit Rummys Diaries.
Although Elendil comes up with what seems to be good documentations, we all know that no real American would approve of and that Mr. Bush and his handlers certainly would not condone, approve or wish for anyone to be tortured.
At least I’m sure they would not approve or condone if they themselves were the lucky participants in water boarding, sleep-, warmth-, sensory and/or caloric-deprivation. And that would certainly be true if they were one of those to hit the trifecta, and win a government paid vacation which includes a free plane ride to sunny lands such as Syria, Morocco, Egypt or even our Loyal Ally in the Long War Against Terror, Pakistan.
Imagine, winners of extraordinary rendition often get, without extra charge, special hotel suites in the form of underground, unlit cells which, despite what some irresponsible people have said, are somewhat larger than a coffin. True, there are visits by rats and people looking for a good time beating you with electrical cord – but hey, everybody needs company!
I’m a bit concerned that the casual reader of the small tales included in this series of posts might get the impression that they somehow refer to our world in general and the United States in particular – nothing could be further from the truth, therefore today’s post ends with:
A Disclaimer!
These stories, although somewhat adherent to the facts (such as they are) have virtually nothing to do with our own world. They refer to occurrences which may someday happen (or perhaps are happening even now!) in a universe parallel to our own.
The events described here were channeled to me by an unemployed angel from the Third Galaxy who refers to itself as Man-u-El Ishman. Although, it seems to be a rather likable fellow, as far as angels go, I’m not really all that convinced as to its reliability.
The reader would also make grave errors in inferring that events and characters delineated here are a parodies of people, places, states or events in our real world – nothing could be further from the truth! Such a thought is not only completely ridiculous – it is probably illegal, or soon will be.
In any case, I want to make it perfectly clear that it is not my intention in any way, shape or form to satirize, make fun of or ridicule any person, living or dead, in the real world (with the possible exceptions of Attila the Hun and Otto the Orkin Man).
My sole justification for presenting what is found in these few pages is, in some small way, to contribute to the prevention of such things ever happening in our world.
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