It's from around 1980, I think, when I realized I took a wrong turn somewhere and was never going to realize any of my dreams. So, I had to find some dreams I was capable of realizing...
We are all like busy little bees, buzzing around and, whether we will know it or not, we are all headed for eternity. In the end all that you do and all of your dreams "wear out your only pair of jeans". Before you ask, yes, the puns you may think you see are intentional...]
Going down the Highway of Life,
you find, sometimes you have to choose between
two courses, the results of which
are not obvious to you.
It's a fact, all that you do
wears out your only pair of shoes!
How strange -- but true!
All that you do wears out your best and only
pair of shoes!
When you see that busy little bee
fly around the cherry tree, you see:
she don't know where she's going, but
she's gonna get there because she's a bee!
It's a fact, all that you see
is headed for eternity.
How strange to be
that busy little bee and be headed for
Going down the Highway of Life,
you find sometimes you have to lose the dream
that you thought you could never live without
or, at least, so it seemed.
It's a fact, all of these dreams
wear out your only pair of jeans!
How strange, it seems
all of your dreams wear out your best and only
pair of jeans
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