There are aliens among us.
They are virtually immortal as long as they have access to nourishment.
Because they are, for all practical purposes, immortal, they are able to amass immense fortunes (just as Jonathan Swift foretold in Gulliver’s Travels).
Because of their wealth, they also have great power to influence, even purchase governments and politicians through bribes and gifts.
Because of their power, they are, compared to ordinary humans, immune to judicial punishment.
Although they can put on a show of human concern and morality, it is exactly that – a show. They have no human feelings because, not being human, they have no human feelings.
These aliens are known as Megacorp (megacorpus globalis) – not to be confused with the Common Corp (corpus vulgaris), a useful species native to the Earth.
To begin with, the Megacorp lives on money, but if allowed to grow to grow un-checked, they molt into a malignant phase where they thrive on human blood and sweat and tears and soul sucked from bone. An example is the Megacorp known as “Bayer”: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XS3mhjt7TrY&search=Bayer
Is it true, you ask? You’re damn right it is true!
It’s just as true as the “Union Carbide” Megacorp, which killed thousands through outright negligence in Bhopal, going virtually unpunished by the usual means of bribes, high-powered legal assistance and the novel, but not unheard of trick of molting into a different Megacorp identity, in a, sadly, successful attempt to absolve itself of responsibility.
It’s just as true as the “Crystal” Megacorp, which took over the water supply in Belize (formerly known as British Honduras). The cost of plain drinking water in Belize today costs a family with five kids a quarter of their disposable income. It may seem like a small thing to you who have clean clear water right out of the tap, but again and again I hear about privatisation of water in "third world" countries where these aliens try to get their suckers on the basic things humans can't live without. If they could, they'd privatize the air we breathe.
You might ask, what about “Enron” and others of that sort? Well, “Enron” is an example of an even more pernicious, malignant form (meagcorpus parasitus). Not being able to find new hosts to feed upon, “Enron” collapsed and died – but not before it inflicted tremendous damage upon US democracy. As Molly Ivins puts it:
“The extent to which not just state legislatures but the Congress of the United States are now run by large corporate special interests is beyond mere recognition as fact. The takeover is complete…”
You can read more of what Molly had to say here:
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