Sunday, May 20, 2007

Deep, Deep Wishes...

I would like to make the claim that there isn't all the much difference between running away from and running after something -- these are the two modes in which most of us live our lives.

When it all comes down to dust, everything you do is connected with your heart's desire and your deepest wish is entwined with your greatest fear.

A closer understanding of the poem below may occur if you read a song/poem posted here last September which was composed because of memories of my mother, Eunice, and my first foster mother, Amanda, who died all too soon after Eunice.
With every snowflake and every rain drop,
the one melting there on your cheek
and the other pretending to be a tear --
I wish that you were not so far away,
I wish that you were near...

With every breeze that moves the leaves!
With each bird that opens its beak to sing!
With every flower in the spring!

With every wave breaking upon the sands
of these foreign shores,
I wish that I had been bolder!

I wish that I had drunk deeper
of my mistakes and asked for more!

With every snowflake and every rain drop,
the one melting there on your cheek
and the other pretending to be a tear...

I wish you could hold me against your breast.
I wish I could hear my mother's breath.

Remember always, there is more to life than the brass ring just beyond your grasp. The important thing is to find or fill each day with some measure of meaning.

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