Unlike many of the other "camps" built by the Hallibutt Company (on a no-bid contract of almost a half-billion dollars) Camp Freedom was intended mainly for people who had abused their rights guaranteed in the Groundlaw to protest in peaceful assembly. This explains the reference to veterans from the Wudda-Wreck War Zone -- it was very important to the Rexona regime that such veterans exercise their freedom in a responsible manner, that is, not critical of Arrogance.
I was surprised that the camp was so clean, but then maybe that was because it was so new. Camp Freedom was built but a year before Rexona clapped his hands and declared the State of Imminent Danger and Lasting National Emergency -- which gave him the dictatorial powers he needed as Decider to defend the Groundlaw of Arrogance in a most truly patriotic fashion from all enemies both foreign and domestic -- in particular the domestic.
The camp was clean, but the food was basically what we used to call edible garbage in the army. Indeed, I was surprised at the number of other vets from the War Zone in Wudda-Wreck in the camp. It seems that not all who had experienced what went on in the War Zone could be trusted.
Otherwise, Camp Authority pretty much left us to our own devices, they appointed what they called "honchos" to sort of run things for them -- the rest of us were known as "peons" and basically what we did was work in the fields around the camp, weeding, hoeing, tending and harvesting the crops and vegetables. This did not improve our diet as much as you might think because the bulk and certainly the best fruits of our labors were shipped out and sold in a War-Mart mega store somewhere in the area.
I could have wished that Camp Authority had picked people of better character to act as "honchos" -- most of them were hardened criminals, perverts and an occasional sadist. It was puzzling that Camp Authority didn't seem to care or at least understand that the honchos treated us peons rather poorly.
Other wise, though, it was a pretty cool place, Camp Freedom was nicely landscaped and there was a big sign over the main gate spelling out in black letters two feet high:
And that was pretty much true, you could say almost anything you felt like to anybody you felt like telling it to -- well, at least while you were out hoeing in the fields and there weren't any honchos in earshot. Otherwise, you might get a good solid whack up the side of the head -- if they were in a good mood.
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