[Thinking that this was the first time I had formulated this thought, back in August I posted a few items on an alternative view of what is "obscene". Imagine my surprise when I found this little piece on my cousin's desktop. Apparently I composed it back in January, 2000!]
The toilet's overflowing and will probably explode;
In fact, everything you see is about to overload!
The commercial explanation for this global misery,
Is our lack of consumption of what's made in factories.
If we'd all pull together, and just eat a little more,
We'd make a little room for things in the department store.
Some people hide behind the excuse of "being poor";
Don't they understand that's what charge accounts are for?
There's no need to try to understand what life is all about;
Just buy another gizmo and soothe those nagging doubts.
It doesn't really matter if your body's out of shape,
Just pop this little pill and you will really "go ape!"
The Romans with their orgies they could never measure up
To the way we barf and piss and shit in everybody's cup!
Before you start to censor me for my obscenity,
Please look at what's been put in your own cup of tea!
There's poison in the water, in the air and in the ground;
Is there anywhere at all where poison has not been found?
Where does it all come from? Well, it doesn't help to shove
The blame on 'them" and whine that "they" are lacking common love.
Remember what was said upon the shores of Galilee:
"It's what-comes-out not what-goes-in that makes the man unclean!"
Can anyone of you in all honesty deny
That what we do manifests the secrets of our inner life?
[Question, what is more obscene: the chief executive of the US claiming that our elected representatives need to pass laws to "clarify" Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions by making torture legal; the apparent readiness of Congress to do his bidding; or the failure of the national media to report it as any thing other than "he-said, she-said"?]
The toilet's overflowing and will probably explode;
In fact, everything you see is about to overload!
The commercial explanation for this global misery,
Is our lack of consumption of what's made in factories.
If we'd all pull together, and just eat a little more,
We'd make a little room for things in the department store.
Some people hide behind the excuse of "being poor";
Don't they understand that's what charge accounts are for?
There's no need to try to understand what life is all about;
Just buy another gizmo and soothe those nagging doubts.
It doesn't really matter if your body's out of shape,
Just pop this little pill and you will really "go ape!"
The Romans with their orgies they could never measure up
To the way we barf and piss and shit in everybody's cup!
Before you start to censor me for my obscenity,
Please look at what's been put in your own cup of tea!
There's poison in the water, in the air and in the ground;
Is there anywhere at all where poison has not been found?
Where does it all come from? Well, it doesn't help to shove
The blame on 'them" and whine that "they" are lacking common love.
Remember what was said upon the shores of Galilee:
"It's what-comes-out not what-goes-in that makes the man unclean!"
Can anyone of you in all honesty deny
That what we do manifests the secrets of our inner life?
[Question, what is more obscene: the chief executive of the US claiming that our elected representatives need to pass laws to "clarify" Article 3 of the Geneva Conventions by making torture legal; the apparent readiness of Congress to do his bidding; or the failure of the national media to report it as any thing other than "he-said, she-said"?]
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